
Permission Slips

When I was young, I would always forge my mom’s signature on everything: on school documents, to attend field trips, at the doctor’s office, everywhere without fail. I suppose I never knew what the impact of it was or why the assumed approval mattered so much.

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There was a time where I felt guilty for stretching. ⁠⁠It seems silly now, but in 2019 I had the intention to “practice being myself.” What that meant was to go to the gym and stretch in front of the treadmill before a run instead of HIDING in a gym bathroom to do so. YES. Hiding.

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Moving West

Exactly four years ago, I moved to the city of Angels. With my best friend, a car full of clothes, and a few snacks, we left the snowy state of Michigan and drove through the country to Los Angeles.

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Shades Of Bravery

Four years ago I could only afford $3 meals, twice a day. I would sneak into the office on weekends to steal leftovers that would be thrown away by Monday and felt so bad I would spend the whole day working to make up for the cost difference.

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To Doing It All

I never liked the saying, “If it’s important to you, you’ll prioritize it.” It’s physically and mentally impossible. Well, at least for a long-time strategy.

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Fellow Dreamer

We’re creature of habits and tend to select a routine and choices we’re used to and most comfortable with. Most often, these choices are unconscious and therefore don’t feel like things that are in your control.

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