The love you receive can only be as deep as the love you have for yourself. ✨

I’ve been going thru it lately and had an a-ha moment realizing that most of my problems were created by the perceptions I put on other people. 🤯


Let me say that again: I projected the emotions I felt. 🙈

I caused my own reality.
I caused my own sadness.
I caused my own loneliness.

Other people are just a mirror of how I feel about myself. My judgments of them are things that stir up within me because I judge myself for them.

Turns out, it’s not about someone not liking you back or not giving you the attention you seek – it’s about you doing that for yourself. How you accept love is how you will feel it… and the person that you feel like wronged you was probably too busy figuring out their own emotions and filling their cup.

Stop looking for water in empty pools. 🏝

Surrender. Acknowledge & love yourself through whatever ✨it✨ is.

Now, I don’t know what this means for you – or really – what it even means for me… but I’m writing this at Starbucks where I just got $10.10 back in change 💰 and I feel like that’s a good sign…. ✨🦋🤍😉