I know this is controversial, but I don’t believe you have to be the same person in the digital world that you are in real life.
Yep, you heard me.
🌱 The digital world is just that, digital.
🌱 It’s characterized by a different set of rules than we abide by in real life.
🌱 Social media reflects what we like and interact with, not the prescribed environment we’re born into.
So if it’s DIFFERENT, then why do we put so much pressure on ourselves to re-create our exact same self on a digital platform when we can literally be whoever we want to be?
Or what? We get judged, called fake or egotistical?
I know who I am (well, don’t ask me that when I have my weekly mental breakdown). I also know that I sometimes have a hard time expressing myself in the way I intend in real-time, and use social media as my way of happy escapism and communication. And lately, that looks a lot like fantasizing and dreaming.
Remember when you decided to work out for the first time or committed to preparing for a new chapter in your life? At first, you felt weird because you didn’t know what to do and your muscles never flexed in that way. And then… as you built onto the same muscles, you transformed and grew into the person you wanted to be.
✨ Social media is beautiful.
✨ Social media is terrifying.
✨ Social media is art.
✨ Most importantly, social media gives us all a path to redefine ourselves every day.
YOU get to create what you see on your platforms and how to react to it. So why make it the enemy? Trust me when I say that this is just the BEGINNING of the digital era. Lean into it now or let it control your reality. YOU get to decide.